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Two Ripples
  • Welcome to the Multiplying Disciplers!

  • After the Bible, this is your first stop for your equipping needs, boosting your ministry toward movements. 

  • We are an ever-expanding digital platform for movement training and community.

  • You can select equipping modules that pinpoint where you are on your movement journey. You can access it anytime you need it, from anywhere.

Multiplying Disciplers Online Training

Equipping you to become a multiplying discpler

Equipping you for where you are on your movement journey

Which Stage Fits You and Your Team?

Two Ripples


I am interested to learn about movement ministry, and have not been trained yet.

I am engaged in movement ministry and we are seeing the initial multiplication of disciples and groups. 


 I am engaged in an emerging movement with several groups multiplying.



I am engaged in a movement with churches in the fourth generation and beyond. 


I have been trained in movement ministry and have begun to practice what I have learned. 

Anchor 1

Let us know how we can serve you. 

Emanuel Prinz

Emanuel Prinz

Lead Trainer, Coach, Researcher, and Founder of Multiplying Disciplers

Jacob Kelley (Pseudonym)

Co-Founder of Multipying Disciplers

Curriculum and Website Manager, Practitioner - Multiplying Disciples among two UPGs

“Empowerment through Multiplication creates a ripple effect of positive change, reaching far beyond what we can imagine.”

Send us a message
 and we’ll get back to you shortly.

― Multiplying Disciplers

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